Home Forums Bug Reports Qucs 4.3.1 just crashes (closes no warning) on Project Open

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  • #7045

      As per title – Qucs 431 just crashes (closes when I try to open an existing project

      Qucs 332 works.


      There are about 30 sch files and a bunch of other things there.




        Could you provide one of the “evil” 😉 schematics?

        If you start qs from the command line, is there a message after the crash?



          running qucs.exe from the command line does not show anything on crash (Is there a verbose / debug flag?)

          The directory has a lot of files (maybe a few from qucs-3.3). There is some proprietary stuff so I can’t easily share.

          But I think there is some more significant problem – because just creating a project – no files in c:/users/username/.qucs/test2_prj

          and opening it causes the immediate crash of QS.




          Opening a couple of the files are fine – it’s when I open Project that QucsStudio crashes.

          It crashes even with an empty project htat I



            That sounds tough. I didn’t had similar problems. Probably only Michael can help.

            What windows version are you using? e.g. win10 Pro ?H? Maybe that’s a useful info for Michael.

            Could you try to move the complete qs program folder to another pc and try it there?

            You could also try it with an “empty” .qucs folder (just rename .qucs into .qucs_old and create a new empty .qucs folder)
            If that helps, you can populate the .qucs folder with the stuff from .qucs_old step by step and see when it fails


              I’m seeing something similar. Since I was forced to upgrade from win8.1 to win10 opening a project folder causes a windows pop up and Qucs 4.3.1 exits


                Qucs opens a project without crashing only when the project is located in the default folder .qucs.

                If I open a project in another location, it crashes.

                It crashed both in Windows 10 and Windows 11.


                  Hello. I right-clicked on the qucs.exe and ran “Troubleshoot Compatibility”. It is compatible with Windows 8. I saved the setting. Now when I start it and open a project, it doesn’t crash.


                    Thanks, running in windows 8 compatibilty worked for me

                    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by gazz.

                    I have been forced to use Windows 11 and I cannot open a project from the .qucs directory without a segmentation fault.  I have been looking to see how to increase the stack size for applications running on Windows 11 but I haven’t had much luck so far.  I look forward to hearing from anyone with any ideas?


                      There is an easy workaround for this:

                      Close QucsStudio > Open QucsStudio > from the “Projects” pane, doubleclick on the project you want to open.

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