Latest News

Version 5.8 released

23rd November 2024

Version 5.8 is now available on the download page. This is a major release with many, many improvements, new features and bugfixes. The application is now named “uSimmics” in order to clearly distinguish it from the Qucs projects.

Once again, the biggest thanks to all who donate to this project. You made all this become reality!

Compatibility Version Released

9th September 2024

QucsStudio version 3.3.3 is now available (see download page). This minimalistic version allows to convert old files that are not supported by the current version anymore.

Homepage Improved

20th May 2024

During the last few weeks, this homepage got many improvements, removing all the reported bugs and keeping the forum free of spam. A lot of big thanks go to Daniel and Maël for this work!

20th anniversary

May 2023

20 years ago the Qucs project started. Congratulations on the birthday!

Version 4.3.1 released

26th September 2022

QucsStudio version 4.3.1 is now available. Besides several bugfixes, the new version exhibits the following new features:

  • Analyse antennas with the EM simulator
  • Calculate slotlines with the tool Line Calculation
  • Calculate arbitrary transmission lines with the tool Line Calculation

Again, the biggest thanks to all who donate to this project. You made the new release become reality!

Illegal Usage of QucsStudio

1st November 2021

The company muRata uses parts of QucsTransline illegally, i.e. without mentioning the origin. (e.g. here) No reaction followed the requests to change this.

Version 4.2.2 released

26th June 2021

QucsStudio version 4.2.2 is available now. Besides many bugfixes, the new version exhibits the following new features:

  • Create user library from SPICE and SnP files
  • Markers in Smith charts can display impedance etc.
  • Font size independent from screen density
  • Ruler in layout editor with right mouse button
  • Drag’n’drop component into symbol editor

Once more, the biggest thanks to all who donate to this project. You made this release become reality!

Version 3.3.2 released

15th July 2020

QucsStudio version 3.3.2 is now available. In addition to a much richer feature set  (e.g. EM Field Simulator) a lot of old cosmetic bugs were fixed. For example a single  m as unit classifier stands no longer for Milli, i.e. now 3m = 3 and 3mm = 3e-3. Future software releases won’t be able open old schematic files anymore. Therefore it is recommended to open all your existing schematic and data viewer files with this software release 3.3.2 and to save them in the new file format. To do so select in a QucsStudio project all files (Left mouse button + Shift key) and drag and drop them in the editor. Afterwards press the Save All button.
A big thumbs up for a all of you who donated. You are the guys who made this version happen!

Forum online

5th September 2019

A forum for discussing QucsStudio topics is now available on the internet. Users can now register and talk about their problems, experiences and wishes.

15th anniversary

May 2018

15 years ago the Qucs project started. Congratulations on the birthday!

New tutorials available

16th February 2016

A tutorial by Jose Manuel Campelo is now ready to download. Gunthard Kraus also upgraded his tutorial on his homepage.

Version 2.4.1 released

29th September 2015

QucsStudio version 2.4.1 released

Tutorial available

25th February 2015

first version of the tutorial by Gunthard Kraus released

10th anniversary

May 2013

10 years of Qucs development. Happy birthday!

First QucsStudio version released

1st February 2011

QucsStudio version 1.0.0 released

First Qucs version released

8th December 2003

Qucs version 0.0.1 released

Start of Qucs development

May 2003

The original Qucs project was born.