Home Forums Usage EDD model error: Operation expected in given equation Reply To: EDD model error: Operation expected in given equation


    Hi, I don’t know if you manage to find a solution since last year, but I saw your post because I’m face to a similar issue:

    I still work on QucsStudio 4.2.2

    I had the following equation:

    StabFactorK_less1= min(range(rollet(), 50MHz, 600MHz)) -1

    The equation seems to be correct but a “Operation expected in equation” error occurs. My workaround is to split the equation with the following lines:


    StabFactorK_less1= min(range(StabFactorK_rollet, 50MHz, 600MHz)) -1


    Maybe someone else had the same issue ? it may be a bug ?

    I will re-test that with the lates t QucsStudio revision as soon as possible.

