In the .dat file sometimes dependent variables are reported, where the variable actually does not depend on it. The file is thereby corrupted as reshaping of the data cannot work anymore.
I created a minimal schematic to reproduce:

To check the dat file, following octave script can be used:
[val, dep_n, dep_v] = loadQucsVariable(“test_bug.dat”, “VAR3”);
causing an error message of:
error: reshape: can’t reshape 10×1 array to 10×10 array
Investigation of the header information of the .dat file reveils, that VAR3 is of size 10 but depends on VAR2 and VAR1. So either VAR3 should be of length 100 or it should only depend on VAR1.
Interestingly, VAR4 is all good. VAR4 has length 10 and only depends on VAR2.
QucsStudio Version 4.3.1
Best Regards,
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