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      I downloaded the qucsdoc zipped file, and I am just looking for documentation on the ports.  I am not understanding the meaning of X,Y,Z directions but if I could see the design in 3D it would make sense.  Perhaps that could be something cool.

      When I run a 3dB Wilkinson power divider, the design produces an EM solution, but I can’t see S22, S33, only S11, S21, and S31.  why are the other solutions omitted?  I would like to plot them all.  S32 for example to see the isolation between ports. Any idea how to enable all the ports.  Below is the project.

      2.4GHz Wilkinson Power Divider

      RESPONSE… Note I can’t plot S32, S22, S33.  It does not show in the S parameter list.

      <QucsStudio Schematic 4.3.1>
      FrameText1=Drawn By:
      Pac P1 1 0 290 18 -26 0 0 “1” 1 “50 Ω” 1 “0 dBm” 0 “1 GHz” 0 “26.85” 0 “SUBCLICK” 0
      GND * 1 0 320 0 0 0 0
      MMBEND MS9 1 680 -50 7 -50 1 1 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1
      MSTEP MS14 1 680 180 -137 -32 0 3 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “0.8 mm” 1 “showNumbers” 0
      MSTEP MS15 1 680 300 -133 -55 0 1 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “0.8 mm” 1 “showNumbers” 0
      MMBEND MS11 1 680 520 11 -18 1 0 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1
      MMBEND MS6 1 290 520 -35 10 1 3 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1
      MMBEND MS5 1 290 -50 -115 -7 1 2 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1
      MTEE MS17 1 680 100 -143 -55 0 1 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “2.65525mm” 1 “showNumbers” 0
      MLIN MS1 1 150 240 -26 15 0 0 “Subst1” 1 “2.65525mm” 1 “2mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      MTEE MS16 1 680 380 -140 -32 0 1 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “2.65525mm” 1 “showNumbers” 0
      MLIN MS18 1 910 100 -26 15 0 0 “Subst1” 1 “2.65525mm” 1 “2mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      MLIN MS10 1 680 20 15 -26 0 1 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “4.5mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      MLIN MS8 1 490 520 -45 13 0 2 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “5.0 mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      MLIN MS7 1 480 -50 -26 -91 0 2 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “5.0 mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      MLIN MS12 1 680 450 15 -26 0 1 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “4.5 mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      MTEE MS2 1 290 240 15 -26 0 3 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “2.65525mm” 1 “showNumbers” 0
      .SW SW1 0 1720 50 0 63 0 0 “SP1” 1 “w50” 1 “lin” 1 “1mm” 1 “3mm” 1 “11” 1
      Eqn Eqn2 0 1720 -40 0 8 0 0 “w50=2.65525mm=” 1 “L50=1.5671mm=” 1 “yes” 0
      Eqn Eqn1 1 1710 -130 0 8 0 0 “L70=5.07805 mm=” 1 “W70=1.28687 mm=” 1 “yes” 0
      SUBST Subst1 1 1370 -120 -30 24 0 0 “4.5” 1 “1.565 mm” 1 “35 µm” 1 “0.02” 1 “1.72e-8” 1 “0.15 µm” 0 “Metal” 1 “Hammerstad” 0 “Kirschning” 0
      .SP SP1 1 1500 -160 0 63 0 0 “lin” 1 “1 GHz” 1 “4 GHz” 1 “301” 1 “no” 0 “1” 0 “2” 0 “none” 0
      MMBEND MS20 1 1000 100 29 -13 0 3 “Subst1” 1 “2.65525mm” 1
      MLIN MS21 1 1000 10 15 -26 0 1 “Subst1” 1 “2.65525mm” 1 “3mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      MMBEND MS24 1 1000 -50 -45 -67 0 1 “Subst1” 1 “2.65525mm” 1
      MLIN MS25 1 1120 -50 -26 -91 0 2 “Subst1” 1 “2.65525mm” 1 “3mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      Pac P2 1 1210 40 18 -26 0 0 “2” 1 “50 Ω” 1 “0 dBm” 0 “1 GHz” 0 “26.85” 0 “SUBCLICK” 0
      GND * 1 1210 70 0 0 0 0
      MLIN MS19 1 830 380 -26 15 0 0 “Subst1” 1 “2.65525mm” 1 “2mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      MMBEND MS22 1 1000 380 2 -60 0 0 “Subst1” 1 “2.65525mm” 1
      MLIN MS23 1 1000 450 15 -26 0 1 “Subst1” 1 “2.65525mm” 1 “3mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      MMBEND MS26 1 1000 540 6 29 0 2 “Subst1” 1 “2.65525mm” 1
      MLIN MS27 1 1180 540 -26 -91 0 2 “Subst1” 1 “2.65525mm” 1 “3mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      Pac P3 1 1290 610 18 -26 0 0 “3” 1 “50 Ω” 1 “0 dBm” 0 “1 GHz” 0 “26.85” 0 “SUBCLICK” 0
      GND * 1 1290 640 0 0 0 0
      MGAP MS13 1 680 240 17 -59 0 1 “Subst1” 1 “0.8 mm” 1 “0.8 mm” 1 “0.602 mm” 1 “showNumbers” 0
      MLIN MS4 1 290 400 15 -26 0 1 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “6.164 mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      MLIN MS3 1 290 100 15 -26 0 1 “Subst1” 1 “1.28687 mm” 1 “6.164 mm” 1 “26.85” 0
      R R1 1 820 230 15 -26 0 1 “100 Ω” 1 “26.85” 0 “US” 0 “SMD0603” 1
      320 -50 450 -50 “” 0 0 0 “”
      510 -50 650 -50 “” 0 0 0 “”
      680 -20 680 -10 “” 0 0 0 “”
      180 240 260 240 “” 0 0 0 “”
      320 520 460 520 “” 0 0 0 “”
      520 520 650 520 “” 0 0 0 “”
      680 50 680 70 “” 0 0 0 “”
      680 130 680 150 “” 0 0 0 “”
      680 150 820 150 “” 0 0 0 “”
      820 150 820 200 “” 0 0 0 “”
      680 330 820 330 “” 0 0 0 “”
      820 260 820 330 “” 0 0 0 “”
      0 240 120 240 “” 0 0 0 “”
      0 240 0 260 “” 0 0 0 “”
      290 -20 290 70 “” 0 0 0 “”
      290 130 290 210 “” 0 0 0 “”
      290 270 290 370 “” 0 0 0 “”
      290 430 290 490 “” 0 0 0 “”
      680 330 680 350 “” 0 0 0 “”
      680 410 680 420 “” 0 0 0 “”
      680 480 680 490 “” 0 0 0 “”
      710 100 880 100 “” 0 0 0 “”
      940 100 970 100 “” 0 0 0 “”
      1000 40 1000 70 “” 0 0 0 “”
      1030 -50 1090 -50 “” 0 0 0 “”
      1210 -50 1210 10 “” 0 0 0 “”
      1150 -50 1210 -50 “” 0 0 0 “”
      710 380 800 380 “” 0 0 0 “”
      860 380 970 380 “” 0 0 0 “”
      1000 410 1000 420 “” 0 0 0 “”
      1000 480 1000 510 “” 0 0 0 “”
      1030 540 1150 540 “” 0 0 0 “”
      1290 540 1290 580 “” 0 0 0 “”
      1210 540 1290 540 “” 0 0 0 “”
      <Smith -152 1260 571 571 31 #c0c0c0 1 00 1 0 1 1 1 0 4 1 1 0 4 1 315 0 225 “” “” “”>
      <Legend 10 -100 0>
      <“S[1,1]” “” #0000ff 0 3 0 0 0 0 “”>
      <Mkr 2.45e+09 542 -530 3 1 0 0 1 50>
      <“S[2,2]” “” #ff0000 0 3 0 0 0 0 “”>
      <Mkr 2.45e+09 -78 -600 3 1 0 0 1 50>
      <“S[3,3]” “” #ff00ff 0 3 0 0 0 0 “”>
      <Rect 658 1222 799 473 31 #c0c0c0 1 00 1 1e+09 2e+08 4e+09 1 -20.9946 2 -7.44643 1 0 0 0 315 0 225 “” “” “”>
      <Legend 10 -100 0>
      <“dB(S[1,1])” “” #0000ff 0 3 0 0 0 0 “”>
      <Mkr 2.45e+09 452 -432 3 1 0 0 0 50>
      <“dB(S[2,2])” “” #ff0000 0 3 0 0 0 0 “”>
      <Mkr 2.45e+09 42 -552 3 1 0 0 0 50>
      <“dB(S[3,3])” “” #ff00ff 0 3 0 0 0 0 “”>

      • This topic was modified 11 months ago by QucsStudio.
      • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by maelh. Reason: Convert all remaining http links to https links
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