Home Forums Usage OCTAVE Windows

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  • #7708
    Didier CELI

      I would like to launch a program (console application) via the OCTAVE window. Unfortunately, the OCTAVE window, available in QUCS (in View tab), has disappeared in QucsStudio. Why? Is it possible to reintroduce the OCTAVE window in QucsStudio?


        Can you do it from the standalone Octave? You could use the console to execute a sch simulation

        Didier CELI

          I would like to launch *.exe programs in the Octave window of the QucsStudio GUI. It is possible with QUCS and QUCS-S (see figure below). But not with QucsStudio because the “Octave Window” of the View tab is no more available

          Why the Octave Window of QUCS is no more available in QucsStudio?

          It is possible to reintroduce this Octave window in QucsStudio?

          Thanks and regards


            I can´t say much, but you can execute oct files by opening then and clink the simulation button.


            Check the examples if you need some help: Examples – QucsStudio

            Didier CELI

              “you can execute oct files by opening then and click the simulation button” –> Yes I know. The problem is specific to my application. I use an old program which open cmd window, with some dialogues.

              For example:  Press Return to Continue or S to Stop

              In QUCS with the Octave Windows that works perfectly. But not with QucsStudio. When I press Return, that closes Octave.

              In summary, my main question is why the Octave Window and the Octave Dock has been removed in QucsStudio? Is it because it is incompatible with “you can execute oct files by opening then and click the simulation button” ?

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