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    Thank you for the HUGE amount of work that has gone into the development of QucsStudio so far!

    I’m an academic and I use it extensively (about 100 students/year), I also see many universities that are progressively turning to QucsStudio. The main reason is that it is free. This means that students can use this tool autonomously wherever they are (electronics enthusiasts and small businesses do not have the resources to pay for ADS or a monthly subscription to QucsStudio).

    On the other hand, it is important to ensure the sustainable development of the software. I would like my department to contribute financially to QucsStudio, but this isn’t possible through donations/sponsorships. However, it is possible through additional features that we would like to purchase, e.g. extensive example files/folders. Could you organise something like this in the near future? (with VAT number and everything… and the must would be to have a French distributor)
