Maybe its just me not reading manual carefully enough, but I’ve been trying to export S-parameter file from my 3-port simulation (in Touchstone format) without success.
I wonder if this is possible at all with current version ?
and oh, this is very embarrassing because just after posting this I figured it out 🙂
Just in case anyone else is wondering, this is very logical and easy, data is in the Dataset folder and can be exported by right clicking the dataset and selecting “Export to SnP”. As said, logical and easy…
I would like to export S-Parameters … however in the “Inhalt” (Content) tab I do not find the triangle shaped symbols to expand it. Any clicking has no effect. Any idea how to fix it? “Datensätze” is the German “dataset” that I need to expand.
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Finally I have been able to copy the data from a Smith chart graph and paste it into notepad. I can now edit it and create an S parameter file. But this will only work for a 1 port as the smith has the Re + Im.
I am trying to do the same thing. I dont know what you mean by “save the schematic file in the project folder.” all the files for schematic and data are in the same folder.