Some small things that could be very useful for fundamental studies:
There is no component to define impedances (Z=R+jX) or admitances (Y=G+jB). It is possible to use a 1-port when Z or Y is referred to ground. That’s because the Qucstudio One-port has 1 pole connected to ground internally (see the figure below). For a shunt immitance in shunt connection with one terminal at GND, that’s ok.
When we need a series immitance, a one-port cannot be used. It is possible to use a two-port, sometimes. Here again, the ports are referred to ground. It can be troublesome if it is in the middle of a circuit, since by definition, a two-port must have the same current flowing into and out of the poles of a port. If one is grounded, so, there is a potential problem.
So, I suggest to add components for defining floating Z an Y as well as to add n-port component with the two poles for each port available (As illustrated in the figure).
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